Our goal is to mobilize as many Rhode Islanders as possible towards worker ownership—beginning with building real community among founding worker-owners.

In addition to bringing in resources from industry and cooperative business experts, Co-op Rhody is fostering conversation and collaboration among our founding worker-owners who are living, working, and organizing in Rhode Island. We already have the collective know-how to change our economy—tapping into it is a matter of cooperation!

In a union co-op, a board of workers oversees the company and advocates for company interests, while a union committee of workers bargains for labor interests.

We believe that union co-ops are an innovative and tool building wealth in local working-class communities. By combining the benefits of worker ownership, including democratic governance and financial ownership, with the strong labor protections and institutional resources provided by union membership, union co-ops are uniquely equipped to provide sustainably high-paying jobs over the long term.

Co-ops are on the rise… Ask us how we know.

Co-op Rhody evolved out of a grassroots campaign for racial and economic just legalization in Rhode Island, which resulted in unprecedented wins for worker cooperatives. Now, with support from partners like the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, we’re working with local entrepreneurs to showcase how the union co-op model as the gold standard for a business model that delivers meaningful opportunities for wealth-building, professional development, and democratic voice for marginalized workers.

With these roots, Co-op Rhody is guided by the principle and practice of organizing. Our goal is to mobilize as many Rhode Islanders as possible towards worker ownership– beginning with building real community among founding worker-owners.